Everything You Need To Spring Clean Your Life
Here’s how to reset your mind, body and routine this spring
Here’s how to reset your mind, body and routine this spring
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Spring is actually here. After a dodgy April, there's blossom on the trees and by now you've almost certainly peeped at least one person with bare legs. If you’ve been in hibernation mode for the past few months, we don’t blame you. But seeing as spring is traditionally a time of growth and rebirth, it’s the perfect time to shake off those metaphorical cobwebs and spring clean your life.
How exactly does one spring clean their life? Well, it’s a personal process so it depends on which areas of your life you feel might need some TLC. Maybe your mind is craving some love to slowly recover from the winter blues. Or perhaps your energy levels are low and you’re looking for a natural way to give them a boost.
From wellness journals and herb rituals to nootropic blends and uplifting cologne, we’ve curated a list of 15 products to help you spring clean your life in whatever way you need so you can welcome the new season feeling refreshed.
For more ideas on how to spring clean your life, head over to our spring refresh edit.