Breathe: To Connect

Connect with your body and mind by learning new breathing techniques designed to make you feel safe and calm

Connect with your body and mind by learning new breathing techniques designed to make you feel safe and calm

25 Aug 2022
2 mins read time
2 mins read time

Experience the blessing of breathwork, a practice to feel grounded, mindful, and relieved of stress in times when you need it most. Experts take us through breathwork sessions that help you take control and reset your mind, so that you are ready to take on the day – aaaaand breathe.

Breathwork is an accessible way to reduce stress responses by practising techniques that help release anxieties or worries. The more breathwork you do, the greater the benefits will be. While breathwork has become a wellness buzzword in recent years, it actually goes back thousands of years in spiritual and Eastern practices, such as yoga and meditative traditions. Many studies have also highlighted its physical and mental benefits and suggested its value in holistic medicine.

Guided by breathwork expert Hannah Kendaru and March Russell, Woo’s breathwork sessions bring your bodies back to a state of balance. This session, organised around the theme of “connect", is made up of three stages: an orientation, a journey and an integration.

Gently beginning, the orientation helps ease you into the breathing pattern. Then, the journey begins and invites you to follow Hannah’s breath and is followed by a cool down integration session. The session is all about cultivating a tidal breath that helps you connect with your body. If pregnant, please seek medical advice before beginning the session.

The orientation invites you to get accustomed to the space around you and begin a guided breath, specifically a coherence breath that asks you to breathe in for five seconds and out for five seconds, before taking you into a conscious, connected breath.

Next, you move onto the journey and match the patterns of Hannah’s breath. Lying on your back, you breathe in and out without a pause. The exhale should be as long as the inhale and your breath should get deeper as your progress into the session.

The final stage is integration, which allows you to close off the practice. Hannah asks you to notice what is present and mindfully observe, deeply listening to your body and allowing waves of breath to move through you before preparing your mind to re-enter the day-to-day.

Plug in, breathe out, and let our relaxing sessions wash over you.

Continue to breathe...