14 payday treats for sunny szn

A selection of feel-good things that you may not think about spending your payday money on but may well appreciate having in your life!

Hero image in post
photo: The White Lotus, 2021, HBO
Hero image in post
photo: The White Lotus, 2021, HBO

A selection of feel-good things that you may not think about spending your payday money on but may well appreciate having in your life!

By Rhys Thomas27 Jun 2023
2 mins read time
2 mins read time

It's summer, also known as sunny szn, feral szn, the szn where loads of people just decide to go on holiday – whether around the UK, to festivals, or elsewhere. The szn where we look out of the window at the sun and the shorts and t-shirts and no shoes, and think: _to heck with work, I want to just go and lay down with a book and vibe all day, and then see people and occupy beer gardens all night.

It’s a feel-good time of year, sun is good for us after all, provided you’re slathering on the sweet SPF. But there’s one thing that makes this start to summer even better, it’s payday week! That’s right, it’s time to look at the budget and make a little space for thinking about your summer and how you plan to elevate it (we have some suggestions below).

Whether you’re looking for pampering products, boosters to help you feel less tired after partying all weekend, cute caps, sleek shirts, delicate cleansers, a speaker that you can literally take anywhere you decide to adventure (it’ll go through streams, up mountains, whatever!) these payday treats will provide answers.

With brands including Hæckels, Bang & Olufsen and Garbstore, on display, it’s well worth a little browse on our marketplace as you eye up the. Besides, some of these will last much longer than just the summer…

Products are selected independently by our editors from the woo online store, a carefully curated platform for feel good fashion, beauty, wellness and lifestyle, as well as externally. Items on sale are subject to change pending stock availability. Discover more here.