Why Danny Lomas should be your style hero this fashion week

What do you wear to the most stressful fashion event of the year? Let Lomas be your guide ...

Hero image in post
photo: Kate Green / BFC / Contributor / Getty Images
Hero image in post
photo: Kate Green / BFC / Contributor / Getty Images

What do you wear to the most stressful fashion event of the year? Let Lomas be your guide ...

By Rhys Thomas14 Sep 2023
5 mins read time
5 mins read time

London Fashion Week is simultaneously the most exciting and terrifying time of the year for many. Yes, you love it: the emerging designers, all the great fits, there’s endless sources of inspiration all around you. There’s the buzz of it all, shifting about from one show to the next, frantically checking emails to see if you’ve gotten into the elusive afterparty. But before you’re in the moment, you’re thinking to yourself: what the absolute fuck are you going to wear?

It’s the same every year. Rationally, as with music festivals, we know there’s a certain category of wardrobe that makes complete sense for this. It’s the really nice stuff as opposed to the waterproof, breathable, and durable stuff. It’s those garments we’ve saved up for, stood in sample sale queues for, refreshed browsers for, and then opened with all the care of Howard Carter handling the bones of Tutankhamun. But having all the gear and no idea (or hardly any gear and not really much of an idea either) is a very real thing. And we all want to be the person serving on the streets of London across those five iconic days.

If you’re looking for someone to follow, or outright emulate, this fashion week - you should be considering Danny Lomas. Here we’ll dissect a couple of his previous fashion week looks.

David M. Benett / Getty Images

Danny’s style hasn’t come overnight, either. Despite having just turned 26, he’s been around the block. He’s got his own style thanks to the 10,000 hours he’s spent in and around clothing. As a model, sure, but previously also as part of the PAQ team (OGs in the streetwear and YouTube worlds will know). Danny is not one of these chiselled-jaw tall gorgeous men with an endearing smile who found one cool brand and dumped a load of money into it in order to take videos on TikTok and profess they are now a fashion influencer. Danny’s the real deal, basically.

You can go elaborate

David M. Benett / Getty Images

Like this wild velvet suit and shades combination that makes Danny look like he’s about to rock a crowd as the frontman of a 1960s rock band. Sixties is in as long as Harry Style’s odes to Mick Jagger are happening. And it’s fashion week. When else are you going to go for these not quite everyday fabrics?! If you’ve something in the wardrobe you haven’t had the confidence to get out and wear, surely there’s no better excuse? Crucially, this is also well-tailored. The most important thing with any suit is to make sure it fits well. Everything else can be seen as intentional or forgivable if the fit is on point.

But you don’t have to go all out, either

David M. Benett

Here Danny’s just flexing a solid but less bold look. The neutral and classy colour palate, a variety of textures and contrasts in fitting (a boxy varsity jacket on top of a luxe rollneck) and simple, elegant trousers. Oh and if in doubt, a rollneck never looks bad, but given its fashion week perhaps do something a little more inspired than just wearing a black one with black trousers; opt for bold contrasts, or elegant neutrals. Elegant is sure going to be a theme this fashion week, we reckon.

personality shines through

Kate Green/BFC / Contributor

His range is crazy. We go from blue velvet suit to beige varsity jacket here with ease. There’s something for everyone to be inspired by. But this final look we’ll show you is casual Danny mode: a nice cap, a tucked boxy t-shirt that leans streetwear with a sartorial edge, a belt and jeans for a little bit of British countryside as per his Yorkshire roots. Simple, very him, absolutely enough to be understated and full of confidence at a fashion week.

Don’t be put off by his model-looking beauty. The hair and stature are distinctive and very him, sure. But the outfits are very adaptable and transferable. A suit and a cap is often the choice, and amazing! If you’re hench just make sure the suit isn’t Italian-tailored; if you do not suit hats, think about the accessory or statement piece, or fun pop of clothing you do really like to wear. A football shirt under a suit, a silk cravat instead of a tie, just the blazer and keep the rest street, statement shoes, whatever it is, pay attention to your own body and favourite things to wear. Style is always about doing you and considering what fits well on you, whether it’s an on-trend brand or not. What you want to take from people you think dress well is the general essence of their fire look.

If you want to go eccentric, by all means, follow your heart and mind and vision. You’ll know who you love and what you have and it is absolutely the inviting creative safe space to strut your most elaborate, fashionable, and slay self. If you’re just trying to look reliably on point every day, get a few nods of approval, maybe be on the end of a IYKYK moment, and make connections and conversations, there’s no better bloke to follow than this Yorkshire-raised chap. He’s got a pretty good podcast, too. Enjoy fashion week, feel good, dress like you want to!