love, life and work this September with astrologer Marissa Malik
Reset this Virgo SZN with some much needed clarity and precision
Reset this Virgo SZN with some much needed clarity and precision
Want to see what the stars have in store for you? woo's resident astrologer Marissa Malik is bringing you monthly horoscopes for your star sign and rising. Keep reading, your destiny awaits…
We are so collectively in need of the reset September has in store for us.
So much of the summer months have been swallowed up by spicy and obfuscating retrogrades. At times it’s been hard to tell up from down as we wade through drama that doesn’t have a clear beginning or end point, and puts in front of us one too many blasts from the past. We’re all craving a bit of precision and clarity, which is finally visible on the horizon of Virgo season. 2023’s Virgo season blesses us with opportunities to hone in on our communication skills in ways that place respect and integrity as top priorities. There are so many upcoming moments where we’re asked to create and enforce personal boundaries out of love for ourselves and others, not spite or frustration. With the arrival of the Mercury Cazimi, and the balancing energies of the Autumnal Equinox, it’s time to reach the peak of our organisational prowess. When approaching tasks and decision making through the lens of Virgo-ness, there must be a methodology and reason to what we’re doing. Think about the dutiful diligence you may often undertake as an older sibling, or the soft reality check you give yourself when setting your alarm for the morning.
Even though Virgo is an earth sign, remember not to fuse your feelings about Virgos to a notion of rigidity. While Virgo rules over our routines and the ritualistic movements in our lives, this sign’s drive for consistency comes from a desire to be efficient rather than control a narrative. When you present Virgo with a more clear and sensible way forward with a shared goal, resistance isn’t innate. The true trickiness of that task comes from conveying this perspective in a way that emphasises truth and reason. That being said, be wary not to try and rationalise your emotions away due to this; feeling your feelings is always a must and there is so much to process in our post-retrograde comedowns. Simply let Virgo season help you budget time for the breakdowns, processing, and tough conversations.
On 4 September, value and love focused Venus FINALLY ends its retrograde through fiery Leo - a transit that made up the main feature of summer. With the rose tinted glasses of Venus Rx finally dissolving, is that sexy fling still as enticing as before? It’s time to process the lessons we’ve learned in love and what we value the most. ~~More importantly, you’re now allowed to get bangs and botox.~~
By 6 September a highly blessed and favoured transit known as a Mercury Cazimi occurs. A Mercury Cazimi is when Mercury and the sun are close as they can possibly be to one another, and Mercury becomes engulfed by the rays of the sun. This cosmic moment brings epiphanies in the work we’ve been digging through during Mercury retrograde and is auspicious for manifesting.
On 15 September, Mercury’s retrograde through Virgo draws to a close, coinciding with the new moon in Virgo bringing a burst of refreshing energy into our skies. Summertime sadness is ready to be wiped away with this renewing moment, so switch your dials from Lana to iconic Virgo Amy Winehouse’s Tears Dry On Their Own. Set intentions about your new routines and goals. Two days later on 17 September, Jupiter makes a lucky clash with Venus and offers a sweet moment to initiate an aesthetic glow up.
**23 September **marks the autumnal equinox and the grand entrance of Libra season, when our minds aren’t made up easily and maintaining balance is key. Use this day to analyse the equilibrium you’re missing and transition into your fall wardrobe properly. Summer is done, but sexy vibes are still abundant.
Finally, the full moon in Aries occurs on 29 September comes into our lives in classic Aries fashion; fast and hard. There are both aggressive AND passive aggressive undertones to the energy surrounding this lunation, which indicate fast approaching boiling points. That difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding until now? It’ll easily burst into a zesty confrontation if a planned and measured approach isn’t created. Focus your manifestations around enforcing boundaries in a firm and steadfast way. Save this day for manifestations that focus on what defines you as an individual rather than raucous arguments. Also, buckle up if you’re planning on going out this weekend - this full moon evokes a wild side in us all.
Here are my thoughts about what’s upcoming for each of the 12 signs.
Aries & Aries Rising
Your silly little daily tasks anchor you more than you think, Aries.
The new moon in Virgo on 15 September is a moment for you to pause and set intentions with new work endeavours you’re feeling inspired to pursue. Summer was a playful time for you to flit through the fabric of your mind and try things out; now is the moment to test out what’s stuck. Which activities brought you the most joy? How does your routine look different than how it did in June? Whatever you feel like devoting the most energy into this month, decide now and stick to it. There’s a full moon in your sign on 29 September that brings a harsh edge to your already hardline opinions. This is a moment for you to do it differently on purpose; reclaim your unique identity and any insecurities that have seeped in through the unwanted opinions of others. Manifest the confidence to stand out proudly.
Taurus & Taurus Rising
Romance comes naturally to your Venutian soul, Taurus.
The new moon in fellow earth sign Virgo on 15 September resets your affections and creative power like a truthful love potion. Instead of digging through the archives of your past looks and sketchbooks, you’re finally ready to write something totally new. Let lust and limerence drive whatever you create. When the full moon in Aries occurs on 29 September, let your actions speak louder than your words. Whether it’s dancing under the moonlight or singing along slightly too loudly to your favourite record, this lunation is about catharsis and expelling the pent up tension in your body.
Gemini & Gemini Rising
With your mind constantly in a hundred different places, it can be hard to focus on nesting in your space, Gemini.
As you reassess your relationship to a sense of home and safety during this Mercury Retrograde, consider who and what creates that composition. Use the new moon on 15 September as a moment to set intention around new and evolving constructions of this.The full moon in Aries on 29 September is begging you to speak up, Gemini. This fiery lunation stirs the pot and puts you in a position where you can no longer ignore the incongruencies occurring in your social circles and political groups. Focus on cohesion and hearing everyone out in whatever discourse unfolds.
Cancer & Cancer Rising
What do you desire out of your friendships, Cancer? Learning from others might be a more integral part of the type of support you need than you realise.
September begins with Mercury retrograding through a part of your sky that makes you reflect on your local community and the way you play the role of a pupil. When the new moon in Virgo brings a burst of energy into your sky on 15 September, revelations around these ideas are ready to be realised. Set intentions for how you want to cultivate and connect with people in your immediate environment on this day. The full moon in fiery Aries on 29 September ends an important cycle occurring in the area of your life that rules your career and the leadership roles you occupy. Now is your chance to start moving in a new direction.
Leo & Leo Rising
Your priorities always play out in your actions, Leo. Have you been reckoning with them enough recently?
September starts amidst Mercury Retrograde through Virgo in a part of your sky that focuses on both fiscal ties as well as the emphasis you put on materiality. When this comes to a close on the same day the new moon in Virgo occurs on 15 September, you’re called to have a proper check in about what your goals and desires are in this area of your life. Set intentions around your wallet and where you want your time investments to fall. The full moon in Aries on 29 September imbues a sense of wanderlust into your sky. Are you desperate for an esoteric adventure, or holiday that aids in self discovery? Remember that you don’t have to venture far to uncover a new part of yourself. Seek depth in your interactions.
Virgo & Virgo Rising
As strange as it might feel when it’s happening, an ever-evolving sense of self is essential to your personal growth, Virgo.
The way you defined yourself this time last year probably feels far away from your current truth, and that’s okay! When the new moon in your sign occurs on 15 September, you’re called to own all of these changes. Face down the events that culminated up to now and constructed the way you recognise yourself without judgement. Identify the place you’re at now, no matter how distant it is from where you want to be, and point to where you want to go. The full moon in Aries on 29 September is a heavy one for you, too. Expect ruminations on anything from death cycles to your taxes to flood into your mind. Use this lunation to address and expel anxieties that have built up in your subconscious mind and walk into October feeling lighter.
Libra & Libra Rising
Letting go is not an easy task for you, Libra. Luckily, September’s energies are aiding you in releasing what (and who) is no longer yours to hold.
Mercury’s retrograde through earthy Virgo occupies a part of your sky connected to deep release and the darker side of your mind until around 15 September. On this day, the retrograde cycle draws to a close and the new moon in Virgo creates a perfect culmination point for you to start a fresh cycle of life. This is a huge opportunity for defining what your life looks like without some key players that composed a lot of your summer. It might seem scary, but it’s for the best. The Aries full moon on 29 September is focused around closing a major chapter in your most intimate relationships, dear air sign. Whatever you want love to look like, both romantic and platonic, is ready to be redefined and enforced now! Be unabashed with your critical eye, and brutal with your boundaries.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising
New social circles are defining your life recently, Scorpio. Who are you enjoying giving your time to lately?
Whether it’s unexpected characters from your past or a whole new swathe of people speckled in from your summer adventures, it’s time to be pensive about who you’re revealing yourself to. Bonds take time to cultivate; you can't conjure a genuine closeness without the bluntness of time passing. Be patient, and keep your cards close for now. On the new moon in Virgo 15 September, take stock of who your real team is, and define what you want out of your comrades. When the full moon in Aries rolls around on 29 September, focus on what your daily routines look like, and take stock of your physical health. Constant go-mode may have been impacting more than you’re letting yourself feel.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising
Ready to get back into the grind, Sagittarius? Work priorities and pleasure are the root of your internal battles this month.
September begins amidst Mercury retrograde through Virgo, and you’ve got career matters on the mind. As much as you want and need more time to process your sun soaked summer adventures, work related endeavours are seeping into the picture. Let the new moon in Virgo help you set intentions for how you want to balance enjoyment alongside your workflow. Perhaps it’s time to work smarter, not harder! The full moon in Aries on 29 September gives you a creative burst that drives you into new, playful ideas and flings. Explore anything from new forms of cinema to a crush you’ve been stopping yourself from making the first move on.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising
New adventures are calling you, Capricorn. Where are you wanderlusting for, and why?
After a summer of deep realignment and reshuffling of your life priorities, the Mercury retrograde September starts with is asking you to venture away from home. Whether it’s for work or pleasure, your mind is in need of an escapist moment. Don’t dwell in self criticality for allowing yourself this break from your usual spaces; we all need it to come back into an appreciation of physical and/or ancestral homes. On 15 September, the new moon in Virgo and simultaneous end of Mercury retrograde asks you to set intentions around new ethos you’re integrating into your daily life. A few weeks later, the full moon in Aries on 29 September allows you to return to your home with a restored vigour and love. Time away most certainly will make your heart grow fonder.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising
Going conceptually deep isn’t difficult for you, Aquarius. However, the depth of revealing your own anxieties to others can feel like a prickly unknown path.
This Mercury retrograde through Virgo is calling you into deep reflection on familial/ancestral matters, tricky ties you have to twin flames, and your current fiscal status. Being bonded to others is a scary thing for you, given your free spirit! Let the new moon in Virgo on 15 September help you to recon with the concept of interdependence. It’s different to codependence.The full moon in Aries on 29 September has you in a harsh zone with friend and siblings, Aquarius. It’s hard to see people make decisions that you know aren’t good for them, but try your best to hold your tongue before jumping into “I told you so’s”s. Not everyone is on the same spiritual timing as you! Focus on the new passions and hobbies you're learning to soothe your mind.
Pisces & Pisces Rising
You know relationships aren’t about ownership, Pisces. It’s okay to be lost, but losing yourself in someone else is a slippery slope into the abyss.
Mercury retrograde is a wakeup call for you about what’s not working in your relationships; both platonic and romantic. With the revelatory influence of Venus retrograde still hot on your mind, it’s time to renegotiate your personal boundaries in order to contain your waters and keep steadfast to who you are. The new moon in Virgo on 15 September offers you the chance to set intentions around the future of your relationships accordingly. The full moon in your neighbouring sign Aries on 29 September is a great moment for negotiating contracts and manifesting what you want your fiscal world to be. Whether it’s material or metaphysical, write down your desires clearly.