Pre-Loved Clothing To Put A Spring In Your Wardrobe

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure <3

Hero image in post
photo: X / A24
Hero image in post
photo: X / A24

One person’s trash is another person’s treasure <3

By Rhys Thomas06 Apr 2023
2 mins read time
2 mins read time

In many cultures spring, and its equinox, signify newness. The return of light and warmth after dark and cold days, the blossoming of flowers, lambs, a reset of fertility across the land. To us, it also means getting ready for summer and not having to lug a big damp coat around (as much). Spring means good times are ahead. New habits, new adventures, and enjoying thinking about the version of you that you want to project into the world this (sunnier part of the) year, as nights get longer and more vibrant. Hot girl summers, beautiful boi barbecues, whatever it may be. But first, is spring, the time where all of this begins to come to fruition. Just as the flowers start to sprout their petals, we humans start thinking about what we’d like to wear.

Naturally, seasons rule the fashion world, too. If there’s a change in the sky, you can guarantee a collection is going to drop. We all know the problems with overproducing clothing, of buying more than we need, and of waste. But it doesn’t mean we can't have nice things. There’s a very convenient, affordable, alternative: pre-loved clothing. Shopping pre-loved combines the best of two worlds: new things for you, and less new things being produced, for the benefit of the planet.

And yes, sometimes sifting through endless rails of raincoats, myriad shelves of sunglasses, and infinite tables of trousers, is as exhausting as it is fruitless. So with that in mind we’ve flicked through the woo-drobe and made a little list of some of the items that we think will add a little light to your lives this Spring. Much of the product comes from SYLK, a premium vintage and designer store focusing on minimal and timeless style, which is stocked on our marketplace. Most products are unisex, all are handpicked, and tres chic, in our opinion.

_You can see the entire pre-loved section of our marketplace here. _