HOLD: Mahalia's energy reading with a celebrity psychic

Can sultry smooth singer Mahalia swerve the future bad boys? She finds out in her psychic session

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Can sultry smooth singer Mahalia swerve the future bad boys? She finds out in her psychic session

By Eve Walker12 Apr 2022
1 mins read time
1 mins read time

Psychic healer Jayne Wallace runs sessions with the stars, using crystals and personal possessions to connect with their energy for the most accurate readings. Beloved by the likes of Kim Kardashian, Kate Hudson and Larry King to name a few, Wallace has an innate gift that can be pretty freaky to watch unfold. Revealing love connections, passing on messages from beyond the grave, and guiding the stars to their next steps in life, her sessions confirm to many that there is more to life than meets the eye.

Wallace sees bad boys in Mahalia’s future… can the British R&B singer swerve them? Breaking down her romantic patterns and relaying an emotional message from her nan, the psychic helps Mahalia face some big insecurities.