Here’s how to dress like Barbie’s Ken this summer
It’s Barbie week, and if you’re wondering how to style like Ryan Gosling as Ken, look no further
It’s Barbie week, and if you’re wondering how to style like Ryan Gosling as Ken, look no further
Here in the wooniverse, we are casting our pinkest telescope out toward the Barbie-verse as we eagerly await the premiere of Greta Gerwig’s Barbie on July 21. And, sure, Barbie is about Barbie, as it should be! And we’ve already seen Margot Robbie dressing much like Barbie dolls of the decades gone by, including the first ever Barbie Doll (released in 1959) who - get this - didn’t wear pink! And there’s plenty of info on how to nail Barbiecore out there, but now we’re casting our gaze on Ken.
Specifically, Ryan Gosling's iteration of Ken. The actor, who first snared hearts in The Notebook is back as the sweet, heart-warming, life-affirming heartthrob (and queer icon) that is Ken. The Ken doll has many vibes. From the iconic Earring Magic Ken, to the uber Club Tropicana-leaning Cool Times Ken, to the Sugar Daddy Ken - there’s a lot that Gosling’s Ken could’ve pulled from (and does). But he’s not quite sticking to the narrative of Ken - the doll's - wardrobe.
What underpins the Gosling Ken look is that it stays on the cheery and lively side of elegant, and the elegant side of cheery and lively. That’s what we’re going for with the vibes here. If you’re looking to get your big Ken energy this summer, then you’ll want to read on. Enjoy!
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