woo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato head
woo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato headwoo x potato head
woo x potato head
- 6.3M impressions
- 16K individual entrants
- £209K media value
woo teams up with bali’s coolest creative village and wellness haven, potato head, to offer you and a friend a once-in-a-lifetime holiday in paradise
woo lives by the mantra of feeling good, which is why we offered our audience and a friend a unique opportunity to visit the ultimate destination to relax and recharge. the prize included a four night stay provided by potato head bali and flights provided by woo...how dreamy!